The 3rd draw of the 72 Club took place on 31st March, the following were the lucky winners:

1st PHIL JOHNSON £100.00

2nd RICHARD L. THOMAS £80.00

3rd PETER & VAL RILEY £60.00

4th MARTYN HUGHES £40.00

5th DEREK & DOT JONES £20.00


Wales Golf update - Saturday 27th March 2021

From Saturday 27th of MARCH, the ‘stay local’ rule will be replaced by an interim all-Wales travel area, which will remain in place until April 12, subject to the public health situation. For the next two weeks, only those with a reasonable excuse, such as work, will be able to travel into or out of Wales. 

There is no change to the number of different households that can mix outdoors. Up to six people from two different households can meet and exercise outdoors but golf will remain in the following forms:

  • 2 balls (2 golfers from different households)

  • 3 balls (2 golfers from one household and 1 golfer from a different household)

  • 4 balls (2 golfers from one household and 2 golfers from another household)

Organised outdoor activities and sports for children and under-18s (by the 31st August 2021) can now take place. There is no limit on the number of children and young children that can attend, but organisers should be mindful of the space available. Our full guidance for organised outdoor junior activities can be found here.

Wales is moving out of alert level four, and now starting to move into level three. Welsh Ministers will consider further alert level three measures in the next review of the regulations.

Golf course re-opening Saturday 13th March

Good news at long last – the golf course will reopen tomorrow, Saturday 13th March 2021!!

The initial stages of reopening will see the golf course open for members only, tee times MUST be booked via the BRS online booking system, 2 households permitted to play together (2 balls), unless members are from the same household i.e. 2 members from 1 household are able to play with 2 members from another household as long as it is only 2 households mixing.

Clubhouse – remains closed at present

Changing Rooms – toilet facilities and hand washing facilities open; not to be used as a place of congregation nor for golf draws to be carried out

Pro Shop – open to administer tee times, bookings etc

Golf Course – over the last couple of days we have had 1.5 inches of rainfall on the golf course making it quite wet in places, several tees will be moved forward in an attempt to avoid wet areas, the greens have been top dressed etc and will be running slow for the next week or so, however, the golf course is OPEN, enjoy being able to get back out there and enjoy the fresh air!!

Please see return to playing golf attached along with the rules for the reopening of the pro shop.

I/we look forward to seeing you soon.



Wales wide tier 4 lockdown

As of midnight on Saturday 19th December the golf course, clubhouse, Pro Shop and facilities will CLOSE in line with the very surprise announcement from the welsh government.

Please stay safe over the festive period, on behalf of the General Management Committee, members and staff at Builth Wells Golf Club - Happy Christmas and lets hope 2021 is a massive improvement on 2020!


The First Minister today announced that the Tier 4 plans have been accelerated and will come into force from midnight tonight (19 December). 

The First Ministers statement can be found here

The current conditions mean that the whole of Wales will move into alert level 4 in the new Coronavirus Control Plan.

This means that golf courses will need to close from midnight tonight, 19th December.  

Wales Golf will provide an update to clubs when further information becomes available.

Welsh Government Tier 4 restrictions

Sadly, following the First Ministers announcement on Wednesday 16th December 2020, Builth Wells Golf Club will close at 6.00pm on Friday 25th December (Happy Christmas!) for a minimum period of 3 weeks. The closure will result in the clubhouse, Pro Shop and golf course closing.

Wales Golf press release as follows:

COVID-19 Statement
17th December 2020

Dear Secretary / Manager

Higher-level restrictions to come into force to control coronavirus

The First Minister announced on the December 16, the Higher-level restrictions will come into force to control rapidly accelerating coronavirus rates across Wales. The full statement can be found here.
The current conditions mean that the whole of Wales will move into alert level 4 in the new Coronavirus Control Plan
The new restrictions will apply to all of Wales.

  • We have had confirmation from the Welsh Government today (December 17) that Golf Courses will need to close from 6 pm on Christmas day.

  • All non-essential retail (this includes Professional Shops, click and collect is still allowed), close contact services and all leisure and fitness centres will close at the end of trading on Christmas Eve.

  • All hospitality premises will close from 6 pm on Christmas Day. After this licenced premises can run a takeaway and delivery service only between 6 am and 10 pm.

  • Tighter restrictions on household mixing, staying-at-home, holiday accommodation and travel will apply from December 28, after the five-day Christmas period.

The Welsh Government will review the data and intelligence informing which alert level of restriction should regularly apply, with a formal review every three weeks.

  • The alert level four information can be found here.

  • The Welsh Government regulations will be updated here. Please check back later today.

  • The Government’s frequently asked questions will soon be updated on this link

  • The Guidance for tourism and hospitality will be updated here. Please check back

Note from our CEO – Richard Dixon
I would like to thank all our Welsh Clubs for the excellent work you have been doing in helping to keep our sport, golfers and communities safe. By continuing this effort, we will put golf in a strong position to return as soon as it is safe to do so.

We are disappointed that Golf clubs face closure during tier 4 restrictions (equivalent to a lockdown/ firebreak). However, we will continue to work hard behind the scenes and have today issued the following statement clarifying Wales Golf’s position:-

Wales Golf feels there is a strong case for golf courses to remain open alongside public parks and playgrounds under Tier 4 restrictions and continues to work with the Welsh Government to make this point.
We totally understand the wider concerns, but golf is a sport that can be played safely outdoors while providing exercise. The whole golf industry has adapted to the restrictions imposed to ensure people’s safety, developed significant operational experience and established COVID secure practices, including rule changes and other mitigation measures that meet the Hands, Face, Space directive.

The health and wellbeing benefits of playing golf are well documented in scientific studies. Leaders in public health, public policy and sport from across the globe recognise that golf tackles physical inactivity and contributes to the prevention of a range of non-communicable diseases. 

Combining the undeniable benefits golf offers to a significant proportion of the country, and the steps taken that ensure golf is a sport that can be played safely, it is ideally placed to be able to be played safely under lockdown restrictions.

Our colleagues in the golf industry around the UK are also united in pushing these messages. We want to assure golfers in Wales we are representing them at the highest levels.

Click here for Wales Golf COVID-19 Webpage

Welcome back!

The golf course and facilities re-opened today, Monday 9th November, please see updated regulations below:



It is important that members understand that only essential maintenance has been carried out on the golf course; it is however in excellent condition thanks to the efforts of Matthew, Gustavo and John.

 Due to vastly reduced income for 2020 the greens budget has been reduced greatly. This will result in some annual maintenance being delayed or cancelled.


·        Play (tee times) will be managed by the Professional who will remind members of the guidance on social distancing and safe play

·        The guidance on playing the course will be posted on the Pro Shop window, club website and inside the notice board alongside the Pro Shop

·        Tee times have to be booked, either online via the website (member booking – member log in details are available for each member please request your log in from Simon) or via telephone 01982 553296 option 2. Please do not turn up at the golf club without having booked a tee time. The tee booking system also acts as a track & trace system for the Covid 19 virus should it be required

·        Tee times will be at 10 minute intervals

·        Single ball, 2 ball, 3 ball and 4 ball play are permitted providing current government/Wales Golf guidelines are followed (please see below)

·        Changing rooms are now open, social distancing rules must be adhered to; showers remain CLOSED until further notice.

·        Lockers – members are now permitted to use their lockers.

·        The flag must remain in the hole at all times, do not remove it from the hole under any circumstances. A device has been fitted to the flagstick to help players  remove the ball from the hole with a putter, there is no need to touch any part of the flagstick or hole

·        Bunker rakes have been removed from the course; ball washers have been covered and are out of use

·        Putting green – putting green flags have been removed

·        Practice ground – no more than 3 members on the practice ground at any time ensuring social distancing; please use your own practice balls, no practice balls will be available from the pro shop

·        Temporary local rules relating to bunkers are displayed on the black board alongside the Pro Shop

·        Club Competitions – club competitions continue, please see the online booking system for the updated schedule.

·        Face coverings – MUST be worn in any indoor area whether that is the clubhouse, Pro Shop, changing rooms etc.

 Please, please respect the rules in place to ensure members/visitors safe playing of the game of golf.  

From Friday 4th December at 6.00pm:

Clubhouses, restaurants and bars (see below for additional guidelines)

Bars and Restaurants - The Welsh Government have announced that hospitality premises will be required to put the following measures in place:

· premises should be providing table service only – people will be unable to stand at the bar to drink

· all food and drink should be consumed at tables

· physical distancing measures will be applied, such as tables being spaced out

· limit to groups of up to 4 people (not including any children aged under 11 ) unless they are from a single household. You may meet with people outside your household, as long as you maintain physical distancing from them and the size of the group does not exceed 4 people

· face coverings must be worn other than when seated to eat or drink

· you will be asked to give contact details for purposes of tracing people in the event of an outbreak being linked to the venue

· there will be no live music and TV broadcasts will be kept at low volume

· pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes will HAVE to close by 6.00pm and will NOT be allowed to serve any alcohol. After 6.00pm they will be able to provide a takeaway service for food and non alcoholic drinks. This will include the Golf Club restaurant and bar facilities.


These measures are due to be reviewed on Thursday 17th December 2020.